Benefits of Membership



"...of the Members, by the Members and for the Members..."

Unlike insurance companies, which are profit-driven and beholden to their stockholders, MCCRMA is a public entity association of Michigan Community Colleges that was created by its founding members for the exclusive benefit of its member colleges.  The focus of all involved is to provide superior benefits and service to the membership.

Broad Coverage and High Limits of Liability...

Virtually all property and liability exposures are covered under a single program designed to provide the broadest coverage generally available with exceptional high limits.  Coverage has been specially designed to meet the unique needs of community colleges.  Most property is covered on a replacement cost basis.  $15,000,000 liability coverage is provided for each occurrence with NO ANNUAL AGGREGATE LIMIT!

Superior Services

The claims, legal, finance, risk management and underwriting functions are dedicated to the exclusive service of MCCRMA members, and in some cases, to members of our sister organization, the Michigan Municipal Risk Management Authority.  So 100% of service provider time is dedicated to the service of these members rather than spread among many thousands, as is the case with commercial insurers.  This permits more, and better services to the membership.

Protection Your College Can Count On!

MCCRMA exists exclusively for the benefit of it's College Members.  While commercial insurers bail out from the marketplace in hard times, MCCRMA will remain - Members serving each other...


Risk not retained by members is reinsured by a network of national and international commercial and other reinsurers with excellent capitalization and financial ratings.